Family Constellations, Reiki, Energy Healing, Cincinnati

Helping people find healing and peace, by leaving behind what no longer serves them to go towards their own life and dreams.

Systemic Constellations

Systemic constellations is an approach which looks at the person as a part of a system.  It brings to light old patterns or dynamics which could still be playing a part in their lives, and the real cause of their current issue.  It gives the person a visual map of the root cause, broadening their perspective and allowing for a picture of a  different outcome and solution to arise.  Sessions can be one-on-one, in a group workshop, in person, and online.

Modes of Healing

Organizational Constellations

Organizational constellations uncovers the hidden dynamics and dysfunction in an organization. The approach allows for meaningful change through gaining a different perspective on what is impacting business success. Typically, the perspective is gained in one session making it more productive than other approaches. Sessions can be one-on-one, in a group workshop, in person, and online.


Is our true nature, our innate light. This system helps us to discover we are Reiki and to slowly take away the layers of worry, fear anger and attachments that cover our inner light. Sessions can be in person or distance healing.

Upcoming Events

Family Constellations Workshop at Vitality Cincinnati

December 7, 2024 9:30 - 5:30pm

Family Constellations Workshop at Vitality Cincinnati

March 1, 2025 9:30 - 5:30pm