Family Constellations Workshops at Vitality Cincinnati

Finding your VITALITY is fun...

with new friends & effective ideas!

Two tools have been helpful for us and for countless others in navigating these questions no matter one’s age:

Paula’s Systemic Constellations

& Brian’s Bones for Life®

…two tools which seem to be in deep, effective conversation with each other.


  • ages 18+

  • a one month membership blending in-person and Zoom…to plant these ideas in your home

  • learning some effective self-care techniques to grow your life in your own personal way

  • plus you get to take full advantage of all the weekly programs VITALITY offers, all included with your payment…Morning Tai Chi, Healing Touch sessions, Journaling, and Bones for Life classes

  • places for 12 people to join Paula & Brian in the group (minimum of 6 people required for us to move forward)

The Details


What is Abundance? It is the movement of accepting life as it is and being thankful for everyone and everything just the way it is. Through the lens of Systemic Constellations, we see Abundance is related to our mother. The way that we see and feel about her is related to how we are going to see and feel about life. This perspective sees mother, money and life as equivalent energies. We will work on our perceptions of life and abundance using the tool of Systemic Constellations. Bones for Life processes will be included to grow one’s own awareness and ability to stand tall in one’s own personal style to live the life one desires.

  • Sun, Nov 17 in-person from 1 – 5p

  • Mondays from 6 – 7p via Zoom: Nov 25 & Dec 2

  • Sun, Dec 8 in-person from 1 – 5p


$200…and if you join Series #1 you can renew at the $200 level for the next series!

  • Once payment is received, Brian will reach out and you can begin taking advantage of VITALITY’s open classes/sessions through Dec 31, 2024 (all included with your payment)!



For many of us what we say we want is not always supported by our actions. Why is that? In this series we will dive into the unconscious beliefs we carry that might not be allowing us to lead the life we say we want. It might not only require hard work from our part to get to our desired outcome. Sometimes it is doing the inner work to see if we have permission to take ourselves to where we say we want to go. In our in person meetings we will shed light on these programs and beliefs. When we do so, we can be finally free to choose differently. Bones for Life processes will help us to walk into the life of one’s desires and dreams.


$275…though if you participated in Series #1 you can keep your membership going at the $200 level

To sign up and for more information visit:

December 7, 2024 - 9:30-5:00pm

This Constellation will be Co-facilitated by Anne Becker and Paula Dunson at Vitality Cincinnati